Roleplay Name: David Phillips
Age: - Yes, I'm 13 year's old about to be 14
How long have you been on SolidServers: I've been on solid for maybe like 2 hours, I joined because of my friend. I know most of the staff on here like Doctor Evil and KRAZYKiller
Why should you become mod/admin? I want to become admin, so I can stop rulebreakers from getting in the server to ruin peoples experiances, DarkRP is fulled of minges and I plan to make this server clean of those minge scumbags.
What should you do if you see someone rdm,NRL, propkilling/Surfing? If they RDMed I would get proof, And if they did I would kick them for warning. They did it again I would ban them for 9 minutes. If someone broke NLR and I got proof I would give them a warning and if they didn't know I would tell them. If they did it again I would kick them. And if they kept doing it I would ban them for 2 minutes. If some Propsurfed or Propkilled I would give them each warnings. If they continue I would kick them and if they come back and do it I will ban then for 20 minutes.
What kind of skills do you have ( Be specific )? I have good skills of decorating things in the map, Sometimes I may be good at building. I have skills of being a admin, I've been on admin on servers for a while.
Why should you be a staff member of SolidServers? I would like to keep the server clean of minges like other servers do, and make this a fun experiance for the new players and other staff.
Agree policy: When your done please agree about When you abuse your power your going to be demoted? No chance. +
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Age: - Yes, I'm 13 year's old about to be 14
How long have you been on SolidServers: I've been on solid for maybe like 2 hours, I joined because of my friend. I know most of the staff on here like Doctor Evil and KRAZYKiller
Why should you become mod/admin? I want to become admin, so I can stop rulebreakers from getting in the server to ruin peoples experiances, DarkRP is fulled of minges and I plan to make this server clean of those minge scumbags.
What should you do if you see someone rdm,NRL, propkilling/Surfing? If they RDMed I would get proof, And if they did I would kick them for warning. They did it again I would ban them for 9 minutes. If someone broke NLR and I got proof I would give them a warning and if they didn't know I would tell them. If they did it again I would kick them. And if they kept doing it I would ban them for 2 minutes. If some Propsurfed or Propkilled I would give them each warnings. If they continue I would kick them and if they come back and do it I will ban then for 20 minutes.
What kind of skills do you have ( Be specific )? I have good skills of decorating things in the map, Sometimes I may be good at building. I have skills of being a admin, I've been on admin on servers for a while.
Why should you be a staff member of SolidServers? I would like to keep the server clean of minges like other servers do, and make this a fun experiance for the new players and other staff.
Agree policy: When your done please agree about When you abuse your power your going to be demoted? No chance. +
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